This is the place to discuss the following meta-language tags: You should use this thread for the following purposes: - Determine a gallery is a "translation" or "rewrite"
- Confirm the legitimacy of the "rough translation" and "rough grammar" tags
- Request for the removal of any of the above-mentioned tags that were added incorrectly
- Leave any questions regarding the three meta-language tags
- Apply for being added to the "rough translation" whitelist
Please read the tagging guidelines and definitions before posting. For other types of tagging-related matters, please visit the General Tag Discussion thread.
K+ | My Uploads | @x_angelkawaii_x | @raincandy_U | /revertQUOTE(Mr_Person @ May 19 2024, 19:50) There's literally nothing the mods can do QUOTE <~tenboro> if I learned anything playing The Sims is anything that doesn't have a green cloud with flies circling above it is safe to eat QUOTE <@Kagoraphobia> tag by tag ID <@Kagoraphobia> i wanna add 1001 <@Shank> Just checked what tag that was. Nice memorable tag id <+nasu> that's the binary for 9 which also happens to be the first gallery <+nasu> everything is connected