> Special forum rules

You are not allowed to make any posts in this forum that is not a request, a response to a request, or serious discussion about what is requested. There is to be no flaming or harassment, be it for the nature of the request or the status of the requester. If you do not like a request, just ignore it.

Furthermore, requests are not to be bumped by thread creator, and requests should not be reposted.

Limit yourself to at most two request threads a day.

Translation requests should go here for translations with a bounty, and here for translations without one.

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> Excessive posts, AKA - Be considerate to others.

post Jun 14 2021, 23:27
Post #1

Roll for Initiative
Group: Global Mods
Posts: 5,467
Joined: 20-May 12
Level 500 (Ponyslayer)

Making this post as one user posted enough to push everyone elses posts to the second page. Please do not post many bounties in a short period of time, if you need to do so, make a single thread to combine them.

Understand that people making requests are limited in that they may post only twice in one day, and furthermore may not bump their own requests, pushing them onto page 2 immediately is unfair.

Anyone seen doing this will have their posts merged or deleted at a moderators discretion.

Please also read: Search & Request Guide
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