> Special forum rules

You are not allowed to make any posts in this forum that is not a request, a response to a request, or serious discussion about what is requested. There is to be no flaming or harassment, be it for the nature of the request or the status of the requester. If you do not like a request, just ignore it.

Furthermore, requests are not to be bumped by thread creator, and requests should not be reposted.

Limit yourself to at most two request threads a day.

Translation requests should go here for translations with a bounty, and here for translations without one.

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post Dec 16 2015, 08:11
Post #1

Legendary Poster
Group: Gold Star Club
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Level 500 (Dovahkiin)

If you have an image from a work and wish to find its source:


If the above guide does not assist you remember to include the image in your post so that others may utilize it.

If you have a recollection of a work and wish to identify it:

Please try to include the following with your request (in order of importance):
- The category of the work
- The language of the work (or if had no text/dialogue)
- Any parodies or recognizable characters that were present
- Any tags that might have applied to the gallery
- The plot or set of events that occur
- If the work was censored or uncensored
- The length of the work, its upload date, or any other information; more details are always better

If you are requesting a translation:

If you are offering a bounty for a translation post in Translation Bounties. Otherwise post in Translation Requests.

If you are offering a bounty/reward:

Please state the amount offered in your topic or description. You're far more likely to generate interest.


The following threads may be closed/deleted at a moderator's discretion:
- Requests for DNP works.
- Very open-ended requests.
- Bumped / reposted requests.
- Completed requests.

This post has been edited by PrincessKaguya: Nov 13 2021, 22:11

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