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> The Thirteenth Annual E-Hentai Award Show for Outstanding Achievements in the Field of Excellence, Featuring the drawing of The Thirteenth Annual E-Hentai Yuletide Lottery!

post Jan 1 2021, 13:16
Post #1


The Thirteenth Annual E-Hentai Yuletide Lottery

Where, just to round off the shitshow that was 2020, you probably also didn't win some stuff.

The PHP Mersenne-Twister Random Number Generator returns to draw fifty lucky winners from those who entered. Like previous years, you got one ticket per level. The prize, given to each of the lucky winners, is 200 Hath and one Tenbora's Box.

The winner is: Ass Spanker (1068757)
The winner is: balbaww (412230)
The winner is: Kahm (148204)
The winner is: Epion (41833)
The winner is: Dammon (16353)
The winner is: Furious (778133)
The winner is: Ζes (2404269)
The winner is: zen_zen (648569)
The winner is: 에어스턴 (1742714)
The winner is: chjj30 (1714698)
The winner is: walsim (199424)
The winner is: mikofake (16245)
The winner is: 司徒雨停 (3045687)
The winner is: Ezekyle (409908)
The winner is: roflcopt0rz (39774)
The winner is: voss (666964)
The winner is: Sonic (32752)
The winner is: Ming28561 (3775954)
The winner is: miracleyang13 (1072838)
The winner is: Thénardier (1414282)
The winner is: Nobeta (532554)
The winner is: youhashock (761379)
The winner is: DrPeterVenkman (1066553)
The winner is: octopus1109 (2025827)
The winner is: cdzxc (1233062)
The winner is: 灬望而不及 (1750758)
The winner is: unnoticed demon (242812)
The winner is: Relma (2072709)
The winner is: Draylof (463978)
The winner is: 프레이 (3950842)
The winner is: kaeluno1 (417823)
The winner is: Ignaco (1143134)
The winner is: dbte (1142784)
The winner is: jhlxhlym (374026)
The winner is: IExistHere (1308698)
The winner is: lrgendjemand (1005540)
The winner is: Iota Aquilae (1011979)
The winner is: cs987987 (911792)
The winner is: Phreeman (1830737)
The winner is: chooter (261198)
The winner is: coolapk_official (4766550)
The winner is: b-gaiden (1311254)
The winner is: Wayward_Vagabond (137530)
The winner is: ljh235689 (1927705)
The winner is: FLCLocust (173181)
The winner is: shsh (1089421)
The winner is: b92203011 (2338875)
The winner is: minson (786094)
The winner is: HolyLoli (124501)
The winner is: GamerNovel (1959192)

In addition, everyone who participated in the lottery gets a free Chocolate-Topped Cookie! The Chocolate-Topped Cookie gives a 20% bonus to all gained EXP and 1 Hath every day you visit the site. This effect stacks with the Cookies from previous years.

The Thirteenth Annual E-Hentai Award Show for Outstanding Achievements in the Field of Excellence

Which is where people get shiny badges masks for contributing to the site in various ways.

Points are awarded for every toplist you place in, with 3 points for a Top 10 placement, 2 points for placing 11th through 25th, and 1 point for placing between 26th and 50th.

3 points or more would get you the Gold N95 Mask, which adds +100% EXP, +4 Hath and +7000C per dawn event, and +3 mod power.

2 points would get you the Silver N95 Mask, which adds +75% EXP, +3 Hath and +5000C per dawn event, and +2 mod power.

And 1 point would get you the Bronze N95 Mask, which adds +50% EXP, +2 Hath and +3000C per dawn event, and +1 mod power.

Additionally, all of the awards grant +2 GB/week of free archive downloads as well as +95% airborne disease resistance.

Everyone who made a Top 50 showing in the Toplists will also receive one Tenbora's Box for each placement.


10 nasu (3169265)
8 Miles Edgeworth (317696)
7 kit07 (569102)
7 saltcutlet (1488909)
6 milannews (976540)
6 catchv (1827764)
6 Dnkz (1908893)
5 darkwing42 (66788)
5 cs987987 (911792)
5 Srac (1635371)
4 elgringo (2790)
4 Maximum_Joe (589675), even though he was only around for half of the year, and should really be some sort of lifetime achievement award.
4 Fatesifaeve (2022231)
4 mifukata (1285836)
4 Reco17 (1798860)
4 klorpa (2506863)
4 Scumbini (2831103)
4 Meorrow (2115725)
4 alinoris (761159)
4 Concord_e (1145682)
4 akunoko (1328123)
4 IcePlume (2878703)
3 Hakrei (243787)
3 Number1TioFan (2987116)
3 foun001 (4448327)
3 Noni (2977124)
3 Floripes (84182)
3 Juggernaut Santa (962093)
3 Nasen (2702672)
3 Darwin4078 (2967667)
3 PrincessKaguya (4850902)
3 pineapple1029 (1175503)
3 Try_ (1622728)
3 Larequirem (1506949)
3 moanim (1590897)
3 Superlatanium (1647739)
3 Hot Chocolate (1681043)
3 jantch (981462)
3 PanHun (1378258)
3 TheGreyPanther (582527)
3 Bowden (399592)
3 zen_zen (648569)
3 hirofuru (776797)
3 Kross25 (1989798)
3 mozilla browser (829365)
3 Kryptonyx (4512860)
3 疆独藏独包子 (729138)
3 Sushilicious (445951)
3 boosharwo (1451449)
3 高垣 楓 (1872548)
3 NerfThis (1755845)
3 Shana (223104)
3 zhenterzzf (3420711)
3 rankgrass (1733063)
3 morineko (1829438)
3 atomicpuppy (2328)
3 aeridus (181149)
3 hellweekdays (2401473)
3 Anime Janai (127944)
3 blue penguin (924439)
3 HXko (847200)
3 Godboli (2355685)
3 xiaofange (2125635)
3 Viktor0nk (1173811)
3 Hw123k (1865876)
3 MelmothTheWanderer (46748)
3 ROBBOO (1132407)
3 sadikus (24486)
3 Pokom (4764920)
3 Pseudo-Nim (4363899)
3 xxxhentaii (4982362)
3 th-nn11 (4546790)
3 qq3870990 (1725168)
3 animeto (804428)


2 liz33969310 (5151242)
2 x392 (372143)
2 Zero Angel (36342)
2 dtmhtk (2106993)
2 HMS Formidable (500969)
2 Ζes (2404269)
2 Magikarp_Guy (1613322)
2 ming.eva (1099725)
2 kamio11 (1397626)
2 qxxaxxa (1619825)
2 DDavid (4944111)
2 Lunar Tear (2582966)
2 StonyCat (932943)
2 dfsgg (1421664)
2 dadada12386 (716309)
2 aizhihuxiao (1737183)
2 sdshdv (1179779)
2 shellgot (2596804)
2 Dynellen (183069)
2 The_Herrenvolk (1361639)
2 bananapow (250742)
2 nikgtasa (1201759)
2 stev123 (722647)
2 Tenrag (519423)
2 tumult (158817)
2 GDJ (3510424)
2 Ricin (625658)
2 Sapo84 (168392)
2 Astia (1009057)
2 BlossomPlus (1269525)
2 aucerumo (155251)
2 Jo.To (160561)
2 alfredmeow (1857818)
2 mewsf (1941026)
2 ranfan (845948)
2 itvara (4932949)
2 娱乐城炸了 (2979263)
2 Pudding_Rapist (1637129)
2 yetsun (81973)
2 giftz (3207345)
2 GO_KENTA (1635704)
2 n-drv (664122)
2 vivagogo (617123)
2 TheGoodGiggle (4484827)
2 scp10011 (2202854)
2 泉水小夜 (2052022)
2 swimswim100 (4951055)
2 Dyjin (242475)
2 hentailover6983 (2515494)
2 ghostmuker (4268625)
2 meow_pao (204246)
2 subzeroX (189857)
2 Halukard (2034934)
2 reviata (856470)
2 hoigoigoi (1111181)
2 Circumstances (1608222)
2 eleeinos (105386)
2 Pegasus170 (3031383)
2 真實爽粉 (3794884)
2 yinscape (675436)
2 dfdfdzx (2091266)
2 少女与猫 (836490)
2 Daniel305 (4052082)
2 DarknessX Katsuhiro (348473)
2 자유민 (1996543)


1 unsafebiscut (625111)
1 ichikku (1544925)
1 ArmoredPlatypus (4939312)
1 crazyalex (813834)
1 sirlachdanan (55286)
1 s976113 (462463)
1 kkcccom (1221707)
1 richangfan (2904676)
1 fleialei (3634653)
1 theCircle57 (289101)
1 okdoke (983249)
1 t95 (117646)
1 lkoofu (1311226)
1 Mastema_Sama (4300752)
1 F0D (1736180)
1 twixbrand (55112)
1 scorpianpp (254442)
1 svines85 (976341)
1 GA3N (3767339)
1 Tankgewher1918 (4507648)
1 suratkabar (1947402)
1 jy-laji (620533)
1 Red 255 (4223247)
1 NTone (1727323)
1 crkscrew (3062200)
1 blacker0713 (1933746)
1 chachax2 (1197278)
1 eddie76 (235114)
1 ncc1701z (1259150)
1 Forgunia (3664190)
1 Zeerbo (1875464)
1 Faval (105773)
1 taxeol (4918614)
1 Bane13 (256409)
1 bunnygunny (1904467)
1 Mags_ (560909)
1 Saba no Mizuni (3494572)
1 scf123 (3254686)
1 Fog Magic (755111)
1 ranphafranboise (649731)
1 zero1018101 (1916575)
1 Snappann (4915300)
1 Elder Mask (3434393)
1 Fierune (4692655)
1 cilacila (4892672)
1 AverSky (4396028)
1 cocy (1820904)
1 VatsuX (287978)
1 kinoshita_tokichiro (754239)
1 Hitsuyou-H (245367)
1 dawaihih (591807)
1 20Ilya (520630)
1 pablo903 (966670)
1 Flame13 (1544312)
1 煩豬_ (2096068)
1 Tgbvfr (40820)
1 onix232 (1502671)
1 ranma-chan (649981)
1 cometravel (1711700)
1 kikimaru024 (160009)
1 流量了了 (2716637)
1 LWND (1392507)
1 nX7UtWS5 (4391788)
1 lancers5566 (3839866)
1 kefe (439502)
1 喵铃酱 (3039846)
1 Buster D. (2885586)
1 fabriciodel96 (3050204)
1 Bfodler (697423)
1 Assassin_ (2070595)
1 hentai kuma (1779507)
1 hobohobo (689598)
1 salar (229374)
1 NekoHime27 (667843)
1 flash11 (267230)
1 t_shitman (1467489)
1 wscore (1995846)
1 Kessara (315859)
1 diamondg (2968038)
1 yan418797411 (1246765)
1 a77777 (3777768)
1 Chizuru Ichinose (638489)
1 Clh. (3172224)
1 titswifter (338151)
1 silke13 (1881031)
1 XNounou (286280)
1 M8R-bdyxio (601536)
1 Jigsy (293539)
1 prostoya666 (1038167)
1 PonyPonyPonyPony (1594321)
1 nai309 (1894605)
1 Kermaperse (4460710)
1 tism (1737279)
1 name83u5 (1909681)
1 itn00bs (868877)
1 hhd2 (3073282)
1 ggmm206 (1184241)
1 wakaba4465 (2423451)
1 neogdoma (1737728)
1 八雲紫 (1178606)
1 OeilsYVSrtyrid2U (4655766)
1 uuuji (1998063)
1 FGHRSH (3250284)
1 manganese25 (1576399)
1 caxerx (2306709)
1 Celica Sylphil (1468811)
1 decondelite (1968682)
1 eltk (1329297)
1 Hinoka (1353601)
1 gepop (2480661)
1 rentalskorpion (2589041)

Additionally, the following people were boosted one or more ranks due to MVP Nominations. This mechanism was first introduced in 2019, where select staffers have been able to nominate people who contribute in ways outside of what can be measured by the toplists. Each nomination adds 1 point. People who were nominated but already qualified for the top one are not listed, and any excess points are not added.

+3: Mayriad (490854)
+3: Shank (989173)
+3: Nezu (867559)
+3: Mrsuperhappy (1898816)
+3: Binglo (243587)
+3: 프레이 (3950842)
+3: Firew (544326)
+3: rizelbr (242621)
+3: sickentide (407334)

+2: pooaa (1983953)
+2: decondelite (1968682)
+2: sssss2 (1843795)
+2: salar (229374)
+2: Uncle Stu (873070)

+1: GO_KENTA (1635704)
+1: NekoHime27 (667843)
+1: meow_pao (204246)
+1: dragontamer8740 (1097716)
+1: Shapes (3892008)
+1: SkunkZes (2404269)
+1: blamekilly (1090167)
+1: xPearse (1858495)
+1: Fierune (4692655)
+1: Red_Piotrus (18055)
+1: Spectre (2203)
+1: tooecchi (1364426)
+1: demonwolf5 (4889301)
+1: dxyzd (3428243)
+1: Longsworduser (1393664)
+1: qdddswedf (2434738)
+1: mysterymeat3 (199441)
+1: genl (515114)
+1: Scremaz (11328)
+1: Magikarp_Guy (1613322)

Congratulations, and thanks to everyone who have contributed in some way for their hard work in the last year.

And a Happy New Year to all contributors and visitors alike. Akeome, kotoyoro, and all that.

(Thanks to Pickled Cow for the cookie graphics, and Noni for the awards graphics.)
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post Jan 1 2021, 13:18
Post #2

Group: Gold Star Club
Posts: 1,639
Joined: 13-June 16
Level 381 (Godslayer)

Gratz to all the winners, happy new year!

plz seed ♥
translated works | +karma

PM me if you need credits/GP to download a raw for TL/editing
or if you want help with tagging, renaming, expunging, etc.

Down all the following tags: (List generated Thu, 07 Jul 2022 11:25:05 UTC, 1143 galleries to go)
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post Jan 1 2021, 13:18
Post #3
Juggernaut Santa

Living in HV 0.83 until Tenboro adds the Tower to Persistent
Group: Gold Star Club
Posts: 11,086
Joined: 26-April 12
Level 500 (Ponyslayer)

Gratz to the winners!

(sigh, I will never win the lottery anime_cry.gif )

[WTS] My shop (Cheap Stuff) + Free Forge and Coupon Clipper Service + Monster Scan Bounty for Low Levels + My Legendary Drops History
[WTB] Any Scythe (unlimited) / Legendary * Scythe of Slaughter (1) @5M or exchange w/ PEERLESS Longsword / My Galleries (30) / My Bounties (0 Open)
Finding 2 Doujins - Bounty of 100k Each / Need Source of some image? Check this before asking anything to anyone :P
Weapons: {[ Rapier / Shield ] / [Waki] } / [ Axe / Club / Rapier ] / { Axe / [ Shortsword / Rapier ]} / [ Katana / Waki ] / Estoc / Longsword / Mace / Scythes
Power Set: [Helmet] / [Body] / [Hands] / [Legs] / [Feet] // Shielding Plate Set: [Helmet] / [Body] / [Hands] / [Legs] / [Feet]
Shade Set: [Helmet] / [Body] / [Hands] / [Legs] / [Feet] // Reinforced Leather of Deflection Set: [Helmet] / [Body] / [Hands] / [Legs] / [Feet]
Fire Mage Set: [ [Hot(ly) Rod] ] / [ [Torch] / [Pitchfork] ] / [Burning Hat] / [Fiery Cloak] / [Ignition Cloth Gloves] / [Butt on fire] / [Floor (that is lava)]
Adept Learner: MAX; Scavenger: 32/50; Luck of the Draw: 12/25; Quartermaster: 8/20; Archaeologist: 5/10; Forge: 126/50 (MAX); Monsters: 88 (34/95)
QUOTE(Uncle Stu @ Jul 7 2017, 01:45) *
I am uncle stu, you are a bad person, that is how the world is, just face it and dont pretend something you are not. ^_^
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post Jan 1 2021, 13:19
Post #4

Roll for Initiative
Group: Global Mods
Posts: 5,467
Joined: 19-May 12
Level 500 (Ponyslayer)

Congrats tot he winners smile.gif

Happy New Year everyone
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post Jan 1 2021, 13:20
Post #5

Group: Members
Posts: 1,307
Joined: 9-January 11
Level 500 (Godslayer)

OK, great!
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post Jan 1 2021, 13:21
Post #6

On the Payroll
Group: Global Mods
Posts: 7,521
Joined: 12-August 19
Level 403 (Dovahkiin)

Congrats to all the winners. Hopefully 2021 will be less shitty than 2020.


K+ | My Uploads | Tagging 101 (Adv) | ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ
Entitled freeloaders and their minions have been a disaster for the human race.
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post Jan 1 2021, 13:23
Post #7

Group: Catgirl Camarilla
Posts: 3,649
Joined: 29-January 12
Level 500 (Ponyslayer)

Congrats to the winners. Thank you to those who nominated me. Let's work hard again this year doing... whatever it is we do. laugh.gif

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post Jan 1 2021, 13:25
Post #8

Casual Poster
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Posts: 392
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Level 428 (Dovahkiin)

Gratz to all the winners

Happy New Year everyone

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post Jan 1 2021, 13:27
Post #9

Group: Catgirl Camarilla
Posts: 9,953
Joined: 5-January 14
Level 500 (Ponyslayer)

Gratulation to Winners and Contributers!

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post Jan 1 2021, 13:27
Post #10
HMS Formidable

Veteran Poster
Group: Gold Star Club
Posts: 3,523
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Level 500 (Ponyslayer)

Congrats to the winners.
And happy new year to all of all.

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post Jan 1 2021, 13:28
Post #11

All the World's Evil
Group: Catgirl Camarilla
Posts: 2,856
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post Jan 1 2021, 13:34
Post #12

Casual Poster
Group: Gold Star Club
Posts: 131
Joined: 15-June 16
Level 426 (Godslayer)

Happy New Year
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post Jan 1 2021, 13:41
Post #13

busy gloomist
Group: Gold Star Club
Posts: 1,504
Joined: 25-October 14
Level 500 (Godslayer)

Happy new year
and congrats to the winners

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post Jan 1 2021, 13:41
Post #14

Group: Global Mods
Posts: 1,719
Joined: 18-December 10
Level 101 (Lord)

Congratulations to the winners and Happy New Year to all.

I know it does not mean anything special, but I see I am again lucky enough to be the first MVP nominee in the MVP list :D

Also, the total number of replies in this year's lottery thread is much higher than last year's, which means significantly more users are active on the forums.

My uploads | Mayriad's EH Master Script: Adds dozens of features to E-Hentai
[Young and Carefree] Life at the Shuchiin Academy ~ We Got Dank Vibes! ~: SHUCHIIN IS LIT AF (GSC only)
Currently airing: かぐや様は中国語を教えたい ~モデレーターたちのスパム頭脳戦~ / Kaguya-sama: Moderation Is War
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post Jan 1 2021, 13:42
Post #15

Group: Recruits
Posts: 7
Joined: 15-December 16
Level 243 (Lord)

Happy New Year!
Congratulations to the winners, and let's see if I am stupid enough to miss the cookie by writing the phrase wrong.
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post Jan 1 2021, 13:56
Post #16

Group: Catgirl Camarilla
Posts: 1,964
Joined: 25-April 15
Level 437 (Dovahkiin)

Happy New Year and congratz to all the winners!

Didn't expect to win tho, thank you so much biggrin.gif

[Click me] to see my gallery uploads 【點我可以觀看我上傳的所有的畫廊】

[點我] 可以觀看我們組全部的漢化作品
[Support me with Karma if you like!] THX!!!
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post Jan 1 2021, 13:59
Post #17

Group: Gold Star Club
Posts: 128
Joined: 1-July 15
Level 456 (Godslayer)

Congratualations to winners, and Happy New Year to everyone!
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post Jan 1 2021, 14:10
Post #18

Casual Poster
Group: Members
Posts: 220
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Level 413 (Godslayer)

Happy new year! Congrats!
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post Jan 1 2021, 14:11
Post #19
Arith Undine

Group: Catgirl Camarilla
Posts: 803
Joined: 24-August 11
Level 484 (Dovahkiin)

Happy new year and have a healthy life.


Status: Vampire Survivors     Total Karma+: 595111     Karma gauge: 3.9x     Last seen on 2022-04-30
Karma Exhaustion: none               Last imbuement to the one at 2022-04-03 17:37
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post Jan 1 2021, 14:19
Post #20

Legendary Poster
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Posts: 18,232
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Level 439 (Dovahkiin)

I love the Chocolate-Topped Cookie, thank you very much.

Happy New Year to everyone.

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