Hey, it’s me, Imageset Shitposter Man.
I’m here once again to ask for, well, maybe just a moment of your time.
I don’t know if you guys have noticed, but imagesets are becoming more and more prevalent.
I can't exactly give solid numbers as I haven't been keeping track that far back, but the amount of imagesets I see posted per day are drastically higher than when I first joined the site.
This is not necessarily a bad thing. Imagesets are good (sometimes). There's nowhere else on the site you can post an artist's miscellaneous art, much of which may even be deleted or otherwise not found anywhere else.
However, it is also true that imageset uploading is the primary method by which point farmers and toplist chasers operate.

This is the current top 10 positions in yearly toplist for uploading galleries.
5 of these make a bulk of their income from imageset-type galleries (saltcutlet, Pokom, ROBBOO, Godboli, Viktor0nk)
You can argue that uploading content should simply be rewarded in turn, and that it is not intentional point farming.
I believe this is true for the other half of the 10.
However, I disagree wholeheartedly in the case of the imageset uploaders.
I myself can admit that I've acted in the interest of gathering points in the past.
For the others, well, proving that one acts in the interest of point farming is difficult. You can make assumptions from how they upload or what they upload, but it is not concrete.
Nonetheless, there is one act that reveals that their interest is in points, not providing the gallery system with content.
To remove content for the sake of getting more views is solely the act of a point farmer.Pokom




A bonus to show that it's not just restricted to the top end.

These are all cases where the uploaders have removed or expressed interest in removing content from their galleries in an attempt to de-fjord their galleries.
This does not include scenarios where an uploader purposefully excludes such content from being published in their galleries in the first place, as it cannot be easily proven that they did so. It is an easy assumption to make from the previous acts though.
Their intentions established, let's move on to why imagesets are their choice.
I covered a lot of it in my
2019 post.I want to add on and re-iterate a bit though.
imagesets gain from being uploaded incomplete and later.Some benefits of being incomplete are highlighted in my previous post. One more is depicted in the screenshots above, where the point farmers intentionally desire their galleries to be less complete for the sake of some tags.
However, what about being uploaded later?
Well, just give it a bit of thought.
The power of imagesets lie in their ability to abuse the frontpage. If another imageset is uploaded after, then the effectiveness of the first is lowered.
For the most part, this is true. Some exceptions apply, but after looking through galleries and testing, this is a general rule to follow.
Well, what is exactly wrong with these two traits?
Imagesets operate in the complete opposite as other gallery types.Other galleries have protections in place to allow a higher quality gallery to replace a lower quality gallery.
Other galleries are expunged if they are equal or lower quality to one that was uploaded previously.
Imagesets are an exception to this.
All versions of the following may exist simultaneously: Imagesets of any theme, if uploaded by a different user. There is no such thing as a "more complete" collection in this regard.
In every other case, it is better to attempt to be the first to upload a high quality gallery.
For imagesets, it is the exact opposite; if possible, be the last to upload a gallery of any quality.
I can only think of 3 main ways to move forward from this.
1. Place restrictions on imagesets and the manner in which they are uploaded
This is not strictly viable as it places a lot of burden on moderating them. There is also not a solid way of comparing an imageset to another.
2. Place restrictions on the rewards of uploading imagesets
Likely an easier option, this can have the issue of harming smaller and less viewed imagesets even moreso.
It is also a much more "artifical" fix that may be responded with simply uploading more imagesets or content of other categories (which is honestly probably okay).
3. Do nothing
Accept the status quo and go with it.
Of course, I don't believe this is okay, which is why I made this post. Maybe others are fine with the way things are though.
Have a nice day.