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> DMM and DLsite Book (.dmmb/.dlst) Image Ripper

post Oct 7 2012, 09:56
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Turns out DLsite has their own version of the program DMM Viewer runs on, so this now works for .dlst files after a few minor changes. I've temporarily dubbed it the much less catchy ViewerRip. Also .jpg export has been added, as well as (hopefully) a few changes to make it more reliable.

Download: [mediafire.com] http://mediafire.com/download/c0g8zm44fitzcea

View source (written in C): [pastebin.com] http://pastebin.com/zpNccvwy (You'll still need FreeImage.dll from the download link if you want to be able to save as .jpg)

1. Place viewerrip.exe in the folder where you want the ripped files to be saved.
2. Run dmmviewer.exe or dlsiteviewer.exe
3. Open the file you want to rip with dmmviewer/dlsiteviewer. Enter your login information if necessary.
4. Run viewerrip.exe and wait for it to finish. It will run in the background, so you can use other programs while you wait.

Known issues:
The program will only rip from the first instance of dmmviewer/dlsiteviewer, so make sure you only have one open at a time.
It may fail on small images. I don't know how small it would need to be exactly, so if you get garbage for any of your small images, let me know the dimensions.

What do I do if it doesn't work?
First, make sure you followed the instructions correctly and read the known issues. If your issue isn't resolved or addressed, run viewerrip_debug.bat (command line flag -d for those compiling from source with stdout and stderr piped to a file). Once it's done, open log.txt and send me the contents, as well as information about your version of Windows and anything else you feel might be relevant.

  • Added support for DLsite Viewer
  • Added support for .jpg export
  • Manually setting zoom to 100% is no longer necessary
  • Fixed only exporting the first image if started while viewing the last image
  • Possibly fixed "slanted" images
  • Slightly more debugging information
  • Initial release

If you use it, let me know if it is/isn't successful so I can try to gauge how common problems are.

This post has been edited by wocle: Aug 5 2013, 08:32
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post Oct 8 2012, 07:37
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Good luck with that. Having such an application on public may have them rework their DRM even more.

I can help each one privately with beating these protections and getting 100% virgin files, for most known image/video (a bit of exe too) protections on all portals - dlst, dmmb, krm, PB, cpd etc. Details in these threads:

tl;dr: the major downside in my case is that user must share the login information with me, for accessing his protected file.
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post Oct 9 2012, 01:38
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Maybe, but the bottom line is always the same: if you can run it somehow, it can be cracked.
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post Feb 24 2013, 10:56
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QUOTE(wocle @ Oct 7 2012, 01:56) *

Apologies if this isn't the right place for this, this forum seemed like the best fit. I've been working on a program to rip the contents of dmm.co.jp's protected .dmmb files. It's still a bit rough at this point, but it should be functional if anyone wants to try it. The major limitation is that the images are currently exported as .bmp, which means a 400 page magazine will need almost 2 gigabytes. It's also Windows only - it won't work for the OS X version of DMMViewer.

Download binary: www.mediafire.com/?zftlo15viix2hd3

Isnt Work I have 2 h-doujins in this "##$% format have anyone Converter for that damnit .dmmb?! or how can I got these Images stupid DMM BOOKS (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/sad.gif) D8 (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/cry.gif)

This post has been edited by shizuh386: Feb 24 2013, 10:57
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post Aug 16 2013, 06:44
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I try some,but failed.

Error in function ReadProcessMemory(): 299: 8紆

Could not allocate memory for image


Found process 'DLsiteViewer.exe'
viewer_window_main: 000908DC
viewer_button_parent: 001409A6
viewer_button_first: 001006F4
viewer_button_next: 000E011E
viewer_button_zoom: 000F0638
viewer_area_main: 000F095E
Most likely image location at 09CA0000 (6897664 bytes)
101 x 5372 pixels
Image uses 2170288 of 6897664 allocated bytes
Most likely image location at 09CA0000 (6897664 bytes)
101 x 5372 pixels
Image uses 2170288 of 6897664 allocated bytes
Most likely image location at 09600000 (6897664 bytes)
101 x 5372 pixels
Image uses 2170288 of 6897664 allocated bytes
Most likely image location at 09CA0000 (6897664 bytes)
101 x 5372 pixels
Image uses 2170288 of 6897664 allocated bytes
Most likely image location at 09CA0000 (6897664 bytes)
101 x 5372 pixels
Image uses 2170288 of 6897664 allocated bytes
Most likely image location at 09CA0000 (6897664 bytes)
101 x 5372 pixels
Image uses 2170288 of 6897664 allocated bytes
Most likely image location at 09CA0000 (6897664 bytes)
101 x 5372 pixels
Image uses 2170288 of 6897664 allocated bytes
Most likely image location at 09CA0000 (6897664 bytes)
101 x 5372 pixels
Image uses 2170288 of 6897664 allocated bytes
Most likely image location at 09CA0000 (6897664 bytes)
101 x 5372 pixels

All 101 x XXXX pixels,why...?

In windows 7 64bit Ultimate
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post Aug 16 2013, 12:12
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Can you add melonbooks as well?
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post Sep 8 2013, 12:23
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thanks for your sharing, it works for me

but i'm not searching largest memory block, i search memory block size equal to the image size
and there are some memory blocks used for cache previous images, so i calculate crc32 for detect duplicated images

my c++ source ttp://pastebin.com/zVrmrjvN
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post Sep 13 2013, 10:41
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Hey I tried this app, it works but I think theres a bug.

It messes up the order (name) of files, the first page is put last and the last one is 001.jpg

Can you fix it?

This post has been edited by N04h: Sep 13 2013, 11:20
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post Sep 26 2013, 02:17
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I dont know why , I use win xp 32bit, and it said "viewerrip.exe is not a 32bit program"
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post Dec 3 2013, 01:39
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I just tried this program on two DLSite files and it didn't work.

I didn't have msvcr110.dll. I installed Visual Studio which didn't help. I downloaded a copy of the dll which allowed it to work.

I tried with and without the FreeImage.dll. With it a blank command prompt opened and the viewer flipped through the pages. Without it same thing except it would say error making file 001.bmp, etc.

I'm running Win 7 Ultimate with everything set to Japanese. The files I want to rip won't work any other way.
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post Dec 3 2013, 19:02
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QUOTE(Henjin @ Dec 2 2013, 17:39) *

I just tried this program on two DLSite files and it didn't work.

I didn't have msvcr110.dll. I installed Visual Studio which didn't help. I downloaded a copy of the dll which allowed it to work.

I tried with and without the FreeImage.dll. With it a blank command prompt opened and the viewer flipped through the pages. Without it same thing except it would say error making file 001.bmp, etc.

I'm running Win 7 Ultimate with everything set to Japanese. The files I want to rip won't work any other way.

msvcr110.dll is of Runtime Library

In my situation, sometimes making a routine upgrade of my W7, this file (msvcr110.dll) disappears, you only need to download and add this file in folder (system32)

[www.dll-files.com] http://www.dll-files.com/dllindex/dll-files.shtml?msvcr110
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post Dec 15 2013, 23:14
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@neptunehs : I've encountered our problem and it looks like DMM viewer is crudely written. You need to kill process in Manager and start it again with our ripper.
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post Jul 13 2014, 18:20
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QUOTE(genl @ Oct 8 2012, 13:37) *

Good luck with that. Having such an application on public may have them rework their DRM even more.

You're right, genl. (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/cool.gif)

I am too late to find this thread and the ripper cannot recognize the current DMM viewer... (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/cry.gif)

Anyone got the old dmm viewer installer which that particular version of viewer can work with this ripper?
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post Jul 16 2014, 22:54
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QUOTE(TZERNA AIRLINES @ Jul 13 2014, 11:20) *

You're right, genl. (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/cool.gif)

I am too late to find this thread and the ripper cannot recognize the current DMM viewer... (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/cry.gif)

Anyone got the old dmm viewer installer which that particular version of viewer can work with this ripper?

Yes, please, Can anyone reupload the old DMM viewer?
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post Jul 19 2014, 01:34
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any news for DMMReaderSetup_x64_1.3.0.10a version?

I get an error message 0xc000007b on Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bits.

This post has been edited by facundo2001: Jul 19 2014, 02:04
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post Jul 26 2014, 05:28
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please update it
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post Jul 26 2014, 05:45
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I have the previous version of DMM Reader (Win32 & work fine with image ripper of wocle, but I do not know if it is possible to add the link here.
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post Jul 30 2014, 05:27
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I think it only works on windows 32bits system....

some way to work on windows 7 64bits???
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post Aug 8 2014, 16:49
Post #19

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QUOTE(tenchi20 @ Jul 26 2014, 11:45) *

I have the previous version of DMM Reader (Win32 & work fine with image ripper of wocle, but I do not know if it is possible to add the link here.

Please upload it to whichever upload space you like, PLEASE (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/cry.gif)
You will find some new books on EH after that...

Win32 will be no problem with VM...

my saliva is dropping...
[www.herdprotect.com] http://www.herdprotect.com/dmmreadersetup_...1c97e867fa.aspx

This post has been edited by TZERNA AIRLINES: Aug 8 2014, 16:51
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post Aug 11 2014, 06:02
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QUOTE(TZERNA AIRLINES @ Aug 8 2014, 09:49) *

Please upload it to whichever upload space you like, PLEASE (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/cry.gif)
You will find some new books on EH after that...

Win32 will be no problem with VM...

my saliva is dropping...
[www.herdprotect.com] http://www.herdprotect.com/dmmreadersetup_...1c97e867fa.aspx

This is the download link: [sample5.dmm.co.jp] http://sample5.dmm.co.jp/digital/dmmviewer...2_1.3.0.10a.exe

But I hope that anyone update the ripper for it works on windows 7 64 bits....
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