I present:
[HAPPO RYUU (Happoubi Jin)] Hole In Love [English] [tap-trans & secondhandscans]Awesome Glory Hole doujin with naughty and nice. Normally when I evaluate a project I look at many factors. How many redraws? How many pages? How much dialogue? Scan quality? Fetish content? Art quality? Popularity? Chance of sniping? etc. And every time I balance and consider the factors to make the most of my time, resources, the translator's time, the editor's time, and the fapping enjoyment of the community.
But this is probably the first time I ignored such factors. The scans were MONSTROUS. The redraws required a master. Normally I wouldn't bother since its difficulty puts a lot of strain especially on the cleaning+redrawing but I stubbornly decided to pursue this project regardless.
Because I felt it was worth it.
Thanks so much somebodyelse_!
Please thank him, guys