I plan to use this thread in the future if necessary, and others are welcome to as well. And, without further ado...
迷宮の地下で繋がれているよりはマシだろうって。。。 I'm effing lost on this. The context might help, but it's just a weird sentence, to me. I'd elaborate on why right now, but I'd rather not color anyone's interpretation.
Context (the previous two lines in the same frame of reference): 色々あって今はコイツ剣士レオンの相棒をしている 自由になる為に不本意ながら主従の契約という形ではあるけれどね (Just in case: I don't need any help with these lines.)
There's a couple of other lines that might be related, but I doubt are. I think the lines above are what it springs from, and I've made an assumption at the moment as to what it's supposed to mean, but I'd really like to hear anyone else's take on it.