> How do you sleep?, sleeping habits

post Sep 5 2010, 01:53
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Walking Out Of Time
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What are your sleeping habits? Do you lie on your side, back or belly when you sleep? Do you have dreams or insomnia? Do you snore or drool, grind your teeth, sleepwalk or talk in your sleep? Do you sleep naked or with stuffed animals? Whatever you can think of.

I usually sleep on my side or back and I drool a lot and sometimes snore. In the wintertime, my cat sleeps on the bed with me or on the couch. Sometimes, I eat crackers or a light snack in bed and watch TV before I turn in.

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post Sep 5 2010, 06:18
Post #21

ii-Kagen ni Shiro.
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For effective use of it, your horizontal and vertical position could only vary for a few inches either way and 45 degrees or so of rotation.


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post Sep 5 2010, 06:44
Post #22

Walking Out Of Time
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QUOTE(D.D.D. @ Sep 4 2010, 20:06) *

If you're like me and you gotta take a wiz in the middle of the night, and you're too tired to get up—well, y'just go right in the hole you're already in!

If you're going to be that lazy, just use a piss jug like my friend does. He uses a big coffee creamer container that he keeps next to his bed.

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post Sep 5 2010, 06:49
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usually sleep on my stomach, sometimes drool, takes me hours to fall asleep, I wake up almost everyday remembering my dreams, then by an hour I don't remember most of them... sad.gif


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post Sep 5 2010, 07:28
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Usually by closing my eyes. The rests comes automatically. Sometimes even the "eye closing" part is kind of involuntary.
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post Sep 5 2010, 07:49
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Rather than drool, I tend to spit. Sometimes I'll be half-awake while I'm doing it, and I'll wonder why I did.
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post Sep 5 2010, 10:02
Post #26

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QUOTE(creamkorn7 @ Sep 4 2010, 22:49) *

usually sleep on my stomach, sometimes drool, takes me hours to fall asleep, I wake up almost everyday remembering my dreams, then by an hour I don't remember most of them... sad.gif

I've been trying to write down my dreams when I wake up now a days. I'm liking it and not liking it, cause some of my dreams are really fucked up, but some are fun! happy.gif I just hate how real all my dreams feel.


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post Sep 5 2010, 11:38
Post #27

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I can sleep in any position, in any place and at any time. While I'm asleep, I will not move or make noise. One thing I can't stand (ever) is being too cold. In the summer time, I sleep with the fan off and in the winter time, I sleep with several covers. In any case, I will sleep with clothes on so I can be ready for any situation because "I don't want to be caught with my pants down." I don't sweat very much at all, especially when I sleep.

I remember this dream where I was falling and I could actually feel it physically. I woke up startled and my feet felt heavy like they were being pulled from my body. Then I rolled over and fell back to sleep.

No matter how bad a nightmare I get, I'll never wake up screaming, sweating and breathing hard like in the movies, but has that ever happened to any of you guys?

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post Sep 5 2010, 14:53
Post #28

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I move and turn in my sleep a lot.
I can't sleep on my back, I wake up if I accidentally turn.
I rarely have dreams, or rarely remember them, when I do, they're boring compared to reality.
I don't like going to sleep, and don't like getting out of bed, so I procrastinate, and often go to sleep when it's already bright outside.
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post Sep 6 2010, 00:28
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Lets see...

I usually fall asleep either on my back or side.

When I sleep, basicly NOTHING can wake me.

I have crazy dreams right after I wake up, cause I gotta use the restroom, then go back to sleep.

When I do dream it's usually:

-The fucked up school.

-The crazy amusement park,

-Some tunnel system or dream about a giant train comming out of no where.

-or some weird area in a huge void or something to do with the bathroom with sex.

Last time I had a 'fucking' dream, it was in a nightmare version of my house. With a pure white futa naga chick with huge breasts.

And there ya go.


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post Sep 6 2010, 06:55
Post #30

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I'm a side sleeper for the most part. If I sleep too much on my back I wake up in pain and belly sleeping just doesnt work at all.

I didn't used to remember my dream except to know I had them. But every since my meltdown I remember more of them, thankfully they are usually rather humorous - many involving monkies for some odd reason. A fun dream usually helps me get a good start for the day.

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post Sep 6 2010, 08:12
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Side for me too. I turn from side to side a fair bit when getting to sleep too. I cannot sleep on my back, I have tried and tried but it just does not work. Makes it useful for meditation tho tongue.gif


So sleepy...

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post Sep 6 2010, 08:25
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I usually begin my sleep on my back, thinking of different things I've done this day... Then when I tend to be more dizzy I went on the left side so that my wife can curl herself on my back, she loves to play the role of the clothes I 'don't wear because I'm nude when I sleep xD
I usually wake up once per night, specifically because I drink "tisanne" before going to sleep, and I never remember my dreams.
Of course the best sleep I ever had is always after our cuddly love sessions wink.gif

Really????... I mean you no harm.... Just pleasure ;)
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post Sep 6 2010, 08:36
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I talk in alien tongues when I I make the body sleep sometimes. Kind of like being possessed by the devil (who is an awesome friend to have when you've conned your soul back). I guess trying to make a body that is not mine sleep soundly without invoking suspicion is more difficult than anticipated. It sleeps half side, half stomach, tends to move around, hard to wake up once under.

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post Sep 6 2010, 11:29
Post #34

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QUOTE(Chien_Fou @ Sep 6 2010, 00:25) *

Of course the best sleep I ever had is always after our cuddly love sessions wink.gif

Alright, let's talk about the best sleep we've ever gotten. (That you can remember, at least)

The best sleep I ever got was at my JROTC summer camp. After 16 hours of ass kicking activities, I made love to that unfamiliar bed. "Serenade me Mr. Sandman, serenade me."

We had some trouble the first night with practical jokers, it was summer camp after all. laugh.gif

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post Sep 6 2010, 13:08
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sleeping on my back, with a pillow on my head not covering my nose, and anything that my legs can hug to.


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post Sep 6 2010, 16:19
Post #36
Sayo Aisaka

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Maybe I should try that possession thing sometime. It has to beat sitting in an empty classroom night after night...

Once again, I'm out of credits and no longer buying Crystals. Though if
you want to donate them, for free, I'm not too proud to accept your charity.

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post Sep 6 2010, 22:10
Post #37

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I sleep on my back and tend to shift my position to the side on intervalls.

My dreams are sometimes strange, but never frightening.
I sometimes dream of dead bodies and people, in my dreams I fly around and posses godlike powers (at least in most of them)...

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post Sep 11 2010, 05:23
Post #38

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I like to sleep in the cold. Naked, respectively.
Dur8ing falling asleep, i change my position.
I sleep very deep, am hard to be awakened and drool sometimes, though only when falling asleep unwanted, what, on the other hand, happens not seldomly.
I usually have strange/disturbing dreams. Sometimes they are funny, sometimes they are disturbing and some other times they are shocking (i heard, it depends on how overall happy you have been throughout the day)

All in all i can fall asleep at any occasion and also usually am very weary and unmotivated.
If it would have been desired, i could have added quite some funny stories about how, where and when i fell asleep biggrin.gif ...

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post Sep 11 2010, 07:05
Post #39

...we are appalled
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Naked. And normally I have to jerk off or I won't fall asleep. After that I sleep on my stomach and push the pillow away.

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post Sep 11 2010, 07:20
Post #40

Now with more sarcasm.
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QUOTE(bloodthirster18 @ Sep 11 2010, 00:05) *

Naked. And normally I have to jerk off or I won't fall asleep. After that I sleep on my stomach and push the pillow away.

I agree. But I usually listen to music and jerk as a last resort.

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