Many features of Mayriad's EH Master Script are no longer functional, so I decided to implement some myself.
This script has now achieved the functionality that I want to use.
Compatibility:can be used on Firefox/Edge/Chrome through Tampermonkey/Violentmonkey
cannot be used with Greasemonkey, possibly due to GM_getValue()/GM_setValue().
This script should be compatible with the dark theme script but
not with other MPV scripts.
Main features:Fit images to screen height, display from right to left without gaps.
Use thumbnails, hover over the bottom of the image.
Use image toolbar, hover over the top of the image.
Quick buttons for horizontal/vertical toggling, Show/hide the side toolbar.
Precise positioning and making the target image glow.
Images auto-resize and reposition when stretching the window.
Auto hide after the mouse stops moving.
Shortcut keys swapped: 'a' with 'd', 'left' with 'right.'
(1.0.1) Add two buttons, Auto Page Flip and Auto Scroll, allow custom time.
Known issues:Setting this horizontal value will result in incorrect width calculations for the image.
This script only performs DOM operations and does not use any network API.
There may be related performance issues.
EH_Horizontal_MPV_1.0.1.user.js.txt ( 33.48k )
Number of downloads: 4
EH_Horizontal_MPV_1.0.0.user.js.txt ( 27.6k )
Number of downloads: 14This post has been edited by imty: Dec 19 2024, 09:21