Posts made in this section will attract the moderation team's attention, usually against emergent and/or active rule-breaking behaviors. As such,
please refrain from posting unless it is a legitimate report that is within the scope of the said thread. Discussion made in the report threads will be moved or deleted at a moderator's discretion, and requests will also be deleted once completed.
- Spammer Reports
Here you may report any active and severe abuse of the gallery system. Please note that any decision will not be announced publicly. We may contact you directly should we need additional information for your report.
⠀ - Gallery Locking
This is where you link galleries containing illegal illicit content to be promptly locked and hidden by gallery moderators, before being removed by the administration.
K+ |
My Uploads |
@x_angelkawaii_x |
@raincandy_U |
/revertQUOTE(Mr_Person @ May 19 2024, 19:50)
There's literally nothing the mods can do
<~tenboro> if I learned anything playing The Sims is anything that doesn't have a green cloud with flies circling above it is safe to eat
<@Kagoraphobia> tag by tag ID
<@Kagoraphobia> i wanna add 1001
<@Shank> Just checked what tag that was. Nice memorable tag id
<+nasu> that's the binary for 9 which also happens to be the first gallery
<+nasu> everything is connected