This here be a thread for Clear Blue Sky, the current "group" from Imari. You know, that guy that keeps getting Wordpress blogs deleted and making up new names for groups. And calling them groups when it's really just him being supervised by his cat.
After 7 Beers Ago got deleted I decided that I couldn't be bothered making another blog. But here I am, getting sick of interacting with other people in the community only through comments on releases. Hello, fellow deviants!
Threads for previous groups here for posterity:
Statistically NP
/index.php?showt...=163673&hl=7 Beers Ago
/index.php?showt...=187420&hl=I appear to have an indeterminate number of random scripts that have been hiding in my entirely too disorganised in-progress folders. You can see the many things wrong with that sentence. As I dig them up I'll post them here in case someone is interested in editing.
Also, "scripts" means I typed the text into a text box in Photoshop in roughly the correct location on the image. Since I edit 99% of my own stuff these days it's just easier.
No commissions please, this what I do to relax.
P.S. Have a Boccher.