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The Fifteenth Annual E-Hentai Yuletide Lottery, Getting in deep |
Today, 12:49
As is customary in E-Hentai tradition, we always hand out a little something to our loyal members and contributors this time of year. Everyone who has reached the Member status on the forums and have been active in the last five years should now have received a few trinkets of appreciation, namely:
50 Hath 1x Star Compass (unique trophy) 3x Stocking Stuffers (trophy)
In a repeat from the previous fourteen years, everyone who makes a post in this thread can also participate in the E-Hentai Yuletide Lottery. To participate, make a post in this thread containing the phrase NO GOING BACK somewhere in your post.
Make sure to enter before 23:59:59 (Midnight) UTC, December 31st.
As usual, The Yuletide Lottery Drawings will be done by the PHP Mersenne-Twister Random Number Generator. The winner will be announced on the 1st of January.
And to everyone, have a Happy Holidays, a Merry Christmas, a Festive Festivus, a Lavish Longest Night, or a wonderful whatever other winter celebration you happen to observe.
Posts in this topic
Tenboro The Fifteenth Annual E-Hentai Yuletide Lottery Today, 12:49 sdshdv happy holidays :D & NO GOING BACK Today, 12:55 frozenstein The year is ending, there is NO GOING BACK!
H... Today, 13:00 Pokom Happy Holidays to all. NO GOING BACK Today, 13:02 sogr Happy Holidays to all. NO GOING BACK Today, 15:10 Daodaodaidai Happy holidays, and there is NO GOING BACK ! Today, 13:03 PrincessKaguya NO GOING BACK Today, 13:08 meow_pao I hope you all managed to achieve your goals for t... Today, 13:10 jy-laji I found a Star Compass in my backpack, and it seem... Today, 13:12 morineko Happy holiday. NO GOING BACK. Today, 13:14 12308hasd This was almost my first post on this forum, but I... Today, 13:15 ericeric91 NO GOING BACK
lol Today, 13:15 chjj30 Ce Yi Wang Jun is NO GOING BACK . Today, 13:17 unit111 NO GOING BACK Today, 13:17 nta-008 Happy Holidays
Good luck to Moldova
RUS NO... Today, 13:17 FabulousCupcake Happy holidays peeps
NO GOING BACK Today, 13:20 Shizuka Natsuki NO GOING BACK
Who replies with these words must no... Today, 13:21 fiiz >>>>>
NO GOING BACK Today, 13:21 Julius_Caesar Happy Holidays to all. NO GOING BACK Today, 13:23 lessfull NO GOING BACK Today, 13:24 hc br run out and NO GOING BACK Today, 13:25 Mindflayer88 Merry Christmas!
Thanks for the gifts and plea... Today, 13:26 Zero Angel NO GOING BACK Today, 13:28 Kyrie80 NO GOING BACK Today, 13:32 Nicosai NO GOING BACK Today, 13:32 what_is_name hope well & NO GOING BACK Today, 13:36 KitsuneAbby I ain't in the mood to say something funny wit... Today, 13:37 FreeSHop Maybe one day the FreeShop will exist again. There... Today, 13:38 Shank Many things I wish I could go back to try deal dif... Today, 13:39 BOJJ NO GOING BACK Today, 13:41 tjjyuki Happy Holidays
NO GOING BACK Today, 13:41 Tenrag NO GOING BACK Today, 13:41 Erbi5001 Cannot think of anything witty, anyway happy holid... Today, 13:45 SPoison I wish for Santa to bless me with peerless radiant... Today, 13:46 習近平 NO GOING BACK
new year will come Today, 13:48 Pretty anon NO GOING BACK to the voucher grind Today, 13:48 Yamato.Tempest happy new year NO GOING BACK Today, 13:50 nukemissle I thought I told you this was a one-way trip! ... Today, 13:53 Azusa Hiiragi Hope 2023 will letting everything good and NO GOIN... Today, 13:54 castle17 NO GOING BACK Today, 13:55 myriadchaos Happy Holidays. NO GOING BACK Today, 13:57 kuroda shiki Happy holidays to everyone!
NO GOING BACK Today, 14:01 OnceForAll I hope COVID GO AWAY & NO GOING BACK Today, 14:03 chanman2021 NO GOING BACK Today, 14:03 伊始图 Happy holiday.
NO GOING BACK. Today, 14:04 chronkas NO GOING BACK Today, 14:04 nurax Soooo.. NO GOING BACK Today, 14:06 BL.Kunkka NO GOING BACK Today, 14:07 nohope234 NO GOING BACK Today, 14:11 LittleSweetLoli NO GOING BACK, there's only way ahead
Merry x... Today, 14:14 thumball NO GOING BACK and a happy new year Today, 14:15 ndamuleu NO GOING BACK Today, 14:18 domeh Happy holidays
NO GOING BACK Today, 14:19 mewsf I'm waiting for the new hv update and there is... Today, 14:19 johnrz NO GOING BACK Today, 14:19 shote1369 NO GOING BACK (EVER)
Snom says directly to you, Co... Today, 14:21 VVFGV →→→→ NO GOING BACK →→→→ Today, 14:23 kamio11 NO GOING BACK Today, 14:24 qinkin1979 NO GOING BACK Today, 14:25 ailove NO GOING BACK Today, 14:27 Yuukanyan Happy holidays to all. and NO GOING BACK Today, 14:29 lwhy666 NO GOING BACK Today, 14:30 ctumille Actually I don't know what means NO GOING BACK... Today, 14:30 trogon Never thought I'd be playing this thing on a d... Today, 14:31 jvcjvcjvc999 NO GOING BACK Today, 14:34 Deadbeatvvv NO GOING BACK Today, 14:35 任凭三千落花 Happy Holidays to all. NO GOING BACK Today, 14:37 ursrnk354197 NO GOING BACK bois Today, 14:39 dragontamer8740 There's NO GOING BACK on many of my choices. B... Today, 14:39 Cronauron Make sure to seize new opportunities for fun and g... Today, 14:41 VawX I have a mild cold NO GOING BACK mmm... Today, 14:41 2780Chou Happy holiday to all, and NO GOING BACK~ Today, 14:42 Perorodzilla Hope everyone have a nice holiday.
NO GOING BACK Today, 14:43 atomicpuppy NO GOING BACK Today, 14:45 Chizuru Ichinose NO GOING BACK Today, 14:46 xXfirebirdXx NO GOING BACK Today, 14:47 Fatesifaeve There is nothing NO GOING BACK!
It is never to... Today, 14:47 xgame60613 Merry Xmas! Happy New Year!
There is NO GO... Today, 14:50 doyouhavblackcat Happy holiday. NO GOING BACK. Today, 14:51 lwt79 NO GOING BACK
:D Today, 14:52 cs987987 NO GOING BACK
I want to win the Yuletide Lottery a... Today, 14:52 nawking To another year of life! Merry Christmas and u... Today, 14:52 emisamigo NO GOING BACK。Happy Holidays! Today, 14:53 374909833 Happy holiday. NO GOING BACK. Today, 14:55 Waitugreat Forget the past, there is NO GOING BACK.
Have som... Today, 14:57 chimeralord I don't want to win but NO GOING BACK if I do ... Today, 14:58 d779933 New year New life.
NO GOING BACK. Today, 15:01 zsp8084 Happy holiday and NO GOING BACK. Today, 15:02 asaxplayer The rubber broke and NO GOING BACK !
Merry Kur... Today, 15:03 Julius Chan NO GOING BACK Today, 15:04 浅夏诗韵 Happy holiday and NO GOING BACK. Today, 15:04 diodo Happy holidays and there is NO GOING BACK ! Today, 15:04 Heilinea Happy holiday. NO GOING BACK. Today, 15:04 cxerengy Happy Holidays!
NO GOING BACK! Today, 15:05 Arith Undine The world is NO GOING BACK so just MOVE FORWARD... Today, 15:07 nbwe000222 NO GOING BACK Today, 15:08 Baupei Happy Holidays to all and NO GOING BACK. Today, 15:09 asd02226 NO GOING BACK Today, 15:09 AGH2O NO GOING BACK Today, 15:10 cmc1985 NO GOING BACK
I wish everyone all the best. Today, 15:10
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