Use this thread to report any violation of the comment rules:
- Encouraging the upvoting of false tags (or the downvoting of valid tags), false expunges, or false renames.
- Creating repetitious comments on numerous galleries.
- Posting gibberish comments, malicious, or irrelevant URLs.
- Repeatedly abusing or harassing other users for any reason.
- Doxing.
- Attempting to prevent an uploader from removing their association with a disowned gallery.
- Presenting or linking to images of real-life rape, scat, torture, or otherwise illicit content.
Commenting Guidelines: be sure to include the user's UID (or forum account link), the nature of the complaint/spam, and the galleries in question.
For all gallery links, remember to add
?hc=1#comments behind the URLs to display all non-permahidden comments.
While not necessary, it is advised that you use the
stroke function to cross out a report once the comment has been permanently removed.
Note that this thread should
NOT be used for reporting mildly inoffensive comments, disagreements, or debates.
This post has been edited by PrincessKaguya: Jan 1 2023, 01:31