891x Mana Elixir 300x Spirit Elixir 1x Binding of Destruction 2x Binding of the Fox 6x Binding of the Owl 1x Binding of Protection 2x Binding of the Cheetah 2x Crystallized Phazon
110 x Infusion of frost @130C 787 x Scroll of Life @260c 177 x Scroll of (Swiftness +Protection +Shadows) @600c 75 x Health Elixir@250c 169 x Mana Elixir@450c 49 x Last Elixir@850c 7 x Flower Vase + Bubble-Gum@25k
sent 1x Binding of Protection 2x Binding of the Cheetah 2x Binding of the Fox 1x Binding of the Owl 107x Scroll of the Avatar 562x Scroll of Swiftness 562x Scroll of Protection 562x Scroll of Shadows