Like it says, would anyone accept EH-Credits for coloring jobs? Like for instance this one Eirhjien
completed for me, who did a lovely job. Because I don't know about you, but there's just a whole slew of stuff out lovely stuff out there that's just aching to get bukkake'd by color. I've got a few in mind, so if there's any artists out there that would be interested in this, please speak up.... aside from Eirhjien, obviously.
Gallery for next project:
Heat Heat Beat's Like a Skip Skip. One thing I want to note, that if you, Mr. Colorist decides to take this up, do NOT use that gallery. I have the RAW's of this, and would prefer giving you a newer, maybe better cleaned up set of pages to use.
These below are just from my Artist's challenge from Vasili01, that are clearly missing that special something.
This post has been edited by Super Shanko: Feb 14 2016, 19:53