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Founder of []
H-KonbiniWhat we're offering:Japanese to English translations of doujin, games, CGs or whatever you might need. I have a JLPT2 qualification, soon to be JLPT1. I have been working on translations for years now, only recently reducing my output because of a deal with a site.
How much does it cost:My rate for doujin is
0.5~2USD per page, although that can go lower or higher if there's a lack or overabundance of text to be translated.
Editing is handled by Nefarious, and has a baseline of
$0.5 per page, changed of course depending on number of bubbles, redraws needed, etc.
Of course, we can agree on a price for the whole work at the moment of request.
What I'm working on (order of request):Ongoing Crowdfunded Group Projects:Donate []
here!Past translated works: post has been edited by Striborg: Mar 23 2018, 17:08