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The Legendary Equipment Thread, Legendary and Peerless gears only |
May 4 2015, 00:05
Group: Gold Star Club
Posts: 5,417
Joined: 2-April 10
Because the other equipment thread is full of trash, put links to your legendary+ equipment here
Rules: - Equipment quality must be at least legendary. - Links must be included
My scripts: HV Item Manager 1.5.0New FeatureBazaar, Moogle, Salvage, Reforge, Repair, Shrine, Filter and Manage multiple items with ease. Works in inventory, shop, forge and moogle page. Spell Spam 3.5.2 Bind different Attack/Skill/Spell to numkey, clicks, and hover. Support Rotation/Multicast. Eg: Cast Cure, Full-Cure, Heroic Health Potion, Spark of Life with right click, or Merciful Blow, Vital Strike, Shield Bash, Attack with hover (mousemelee-like). Support Condition check (HP/MP/SP/OC/SS/BuffName). Press Shift+ alpha key (A...Z) to save a profile to a key. Press an alpha key to load the assigned profile and open tooltip. Hold Ctr/Alt to temporarily disable the script without having to open the tooltip, Shift to disable hover. Inline Equipment Changer 1.2.1 Enable user to change equipment from all HV pages (including equipment pop-up). It also re-update HV Equip Comparison data NoImage 1.4Hide image, battle log, and spell description. Press Z to toggle on/off. Outside of battle, images for menu and clickable buttons are now shown. Mouse over unshown images, command panel or monster panel to see them again. Optimize your clearing time with this script! WTB (Reopened)SHOP - IW SERVICE (15c/PxP), 1/2 potencies package - 0.82 Legendary, Magnificent and crystal for saleFor Sale Peerless Frugal Phase Cap of Mjolnir 50m Legendary Savage Power Leggings of Slaughter 50m Legendary Ethereal Wakizashi of Balance 1m Legendary Amber Cotton Cap of the Heaven-sent 2m Legendary Jade Phase Cap of Heimdall 10m 0.81 5jug2cap 25forged Legendary Savage Power Armor of Protection 2m Legendary Amber Power Gauntlets of Slaughter 4m Legendary Charged Phase Shoes of Niflheim 20m
Posts in this topic
holy_demon The Legendary Equipment Thread May 4 2015, 00:05 holy_demon RE: The Legendary Equipment Thread May 4 2015, 00:07 Scremaz admit it, it's only for bragging rights :P May 4 2015, 00:14 holy_demon [quote name='Scremaz' post='3967157' date='May 4 2... May 4 2015, 00:19 malkatmp RE: The Legendary Equipment Thread May 4 2015, 00:44 Jram RE: The Legendary Equipment Thread May 7 2015, 02:34 nobody_xxx [quote name='Jram' post='3972100' date='May 7 2015... May 7 2015, 02:38 Superlatanium [quote name='Jram' post='3972100' date='May 7 2015... May 7 2015, 02:40 Colman [quote name='Superlatanium' post='3972116' date='M... May 7 2015, 04:21 nobody_xxx [quote name='Colman' post='3972375' date='May 7 20... May 7 2015, 04:24 malkatmp [quote name='Jram' post='3972100' date='May 7 2015... May 7 2015, 02:46 Jram [quote name='malkatmp' post='3972128' date='May 6 ... May 7 2015, 03:18 nobody_xxx [quote name='Jram' post='3972203' date='May 7 2015... May 7 2015, 03:22 treesloth Legendary Savage Power Gauntlets of Balance for sa... May 4 2015, 02:22 mutsdhr Oh, well .. you posted Leather & Plate so this... May 4 2015, 02:23 kanplan Peerless Cobalt Leather Helmet of Warding
Never g... May 4 2015, 03:08 nobody_xxx [quote name='kanplan' post='3967367' date='May 4 2... May 4 2015, 03:17 Dammon I'm not counting on getting a peerless before ... May 4 2015, 03:21 kanplan
Dropped, probably RE shortly after peerless was i... May 4 2015, 03:41 Pickled Cow http://i480.photobucket.com/albums/rr163/anomtai/L... May 4 2015, 07:58 Colman Thread for spamming Legandary trash? :rolleyes: May 4 2015, 08:24 boulay [quote name='Colman' post='3967727' date='May 4 20... May 4 2015, 12:15 nobody_xxx [quote name='boulay' post='3967991' date='May 4 20... May 4 2015, 12:46 Colman [quote name='boulay' post='3967991' date='May 4 20... May 4 2015, 12:47 danixxx [quote name='Colman' post='3967727' date='May 4 20... May 4 2015, 08:28 xmagus Hell, who doesn't have Legendary trash, really... May 4 2015, 09:39 Scremaz [quote name='xmagus' post='3967788' date='May 4 20... May 4 2015, 13:09 sssss2 Legendary Savage Shade Boots of the Fleet
trash..... May 4 2015, 10:08 saltwatermelon Legendary Agile Kite Shield of Stoneskin is my fir... May 4 2015, 10:15 Superlatanium This looks like a great way to avoid all the junk ... May 4 2015, 10:38 n125 It would be nice to have a thread without the tras... May 4 2015, 11:11 tetron [quote name='holy_demon' post='3967162' date='May ... May 4 2015, 18:25 Scremaz [quote name='tetron' post='3968459' date='May 4 20... May 4 2015, 19:04 hitokiri84 RE: The Legendary Equipment Thread May 4 2015, 19:29 tetron [quote name='Scremaz' post='3968499' date='May 4 2... May 4 2015, 19:42 Scremaz [quote name='tetron' post='3968539' date='May 4 20... May 4 2015, 20:16 tetron [quote name='Scremaz' post='3968579' date='May 4 2... May 4 2015, 20:18 hitokiri84 [quote name='Scremaz' post='3968579' date='May 4 2... May 4 2015, 20:50 Scremaz [quote name='hitokiri84' post='3968604' date='May ... May 4 2015, 20:54 hitokiri84 [quote name='Scremaz' post='3968609' date='May 4 2... May 4 2015, 21:20 Scremaz [quote name='hitokiri84' post='3968629' date='May ... May 4 2015, 23:05 jenga201 Superior Redwood Staff of Mjolnir
Did I do it ri... May 4 2015, 20:37 tetron [quote name='jenga201' post='3968595' date='May 5 ... May 4 2015, 20:43 mutsdhr
I keep the trash.. wonder why ^^
whatever, toda... May 5 2015, 02:22 helno Not going to bother with leg leathers and plates s... May 5 2015, 04:55 pinciofloppy Legendary Artic Wakizashi of Balance May 5 2015, 08:06 SPoison 58 10 Arena Clear Bonus! [Legendary Shocking S... May 5 2015, 12:26 holy_demon Legendary Cobalt Plate Cuirass of Dampening May 6 2015, 06:50 n125 Legendary Savage Shade Helmet of Negation. May 6 2015, 09:06 eleeinos Well, let me post the few ones I already have beca... May 6 2015, 17:30 tetron [quote name='eleeinos' post='3971464' date='May 6 ... May 6 2015, 18:02 eleeinos [quote name='tetron' post='3971500' date='May 6 20... May 6 2015, 18:13 Void Domain Legendary Ethereal Rapier of Slaughter
My only goo... May 6 2015, 18:10 tetron [quote name='Void Domain' post='3971509' date='May... May 6 2015, 18:42 eleeinos [quote name='tetron' post='3971549' date='May 6 20... May 7 2015, 02:07 helno A legendary dropped for me just now... but as you ... May 7 2015, 05:32 Larequirem my only legendary and it's from the lottery
Le... May 7 2015, 07:55 sotl Legendary Cobalt Gossamer Robe of the Demon-Fiend
... May 7 2015, 08:14 n125 Yesterday's: Legendary Zircon Leather Breastpl... May 7 2015, 09:03 kororoc today
Legendary Shielding Plate Greaves of Prote... May 7 2015, 12:08 nobody_xxx legendary amber phase pants of heimdall
PFU DwD May 7 2015, 13:30 Dead-ed [quote name='nobody_xxx' post='3972910' date='May ... May 7 2015, 14:44 nobody_xxx [quote name='Dead-ed' post='3973007' date='Ma... May 7 2015, 14:50 nirvarin21 Lv368 - LotD25 - Qm13 (55R Arena - PFU)
20 15 You ... May 7 2015, 14:09 tetron [quote name='eleeinos' post='3972028' date='May 7 ... May 7 2015, 17:38 eleeinos [quote name='tetron' post='3973187' date='May 7 20... May 9 2015, 04:44 n125 Fresh from PFUDOR Triple Trio and the Tree:
Legen... May 7 2015, 21:38 nobody_xxx [quote name='n125' post='3973420' date='May 8 2015... May 8 2015, 01:21 kamio11 Just got this:
Legendary Broken Axe of Canada
It... May 8 2015, 00:18 Scremaz [quote name='kamio11' post='3973648' date='May 8 2... May 8 2015, 00:24 kamio11 [quote name='Scremaz' post='3973655' date='May 7 2... May 8 2015, 04:43 malkatmp [quote name='kamio11' post='3973648' date='May 8 2... May 8 2015, 03:23 아이리스 Legendary Agile Leather Breastplate of
f... May 8 2015, 02:04 tetron [quote name='kamio11' post='3973648' date='May 8 2... May 8 2015, 07:11 kujinsi Legendary Fiery Wakizashi of Balance
Angry :angr... May 8 2015, 12:01 kororoc today
Legendary Zircon Phase Gloves of Niflheim May 8 2015, 13:53 holy_demon Legendary Ethereal Oak Staff of Focus
Legendary Ag... May 9 2015, 03:08 hitokiri84 Legendary Amber Plate Gauntlets of Stoneskin
Yeah... May 9 2015, 05:07 holy_demon Peerless Fiery Rapier of Balance
my 3rd peerless ... May 9 2015, 07:34 Void Domain [quote name='holy_demon' post='3975779' date='May ... May 10 2015, 15:05 Scremaz [quote name='Void Domain' post='3977965' date='May... May 10 2015, 15:06 tetron [quote name='holy_demon' post='3975779' date='May ... May 9 2015, 08:15 Superlatanium [quote name='tetron' post='3975819' date='May 9 20... May 9 2015, 08:23 tetron [quote name='Superlatanium' post='3975830' date='M... May 9 2015, 09:15 Scremaz [quote name='tetron' post='3975878' date='May 9 20... May 9 2015, 13:47 tetron [quote name='Scremaz' post='3976151' date='May 9 2... May 9 2015, 18:01 malkatmp [quote name='tetron' post='3975819' date='May 9 20... May 9 2015, 18:42 tetron [quote name='malkatmp' post='3976602' date='May 9 ... May 9 2015, 19:13 boulay [quote name='tetron' post='3976637' date='May 9 20... May 9 2015, 20:53 tetron [quote name='boulay' post='3976707' date='May 10 2... May 10 2015, 08:07 boulay [quote name='tetron' post='3977527' date='May 10 2... May 10 2015, 11:03 tetron [quote name='boulay' post='3977705' date='May 10 2... May 10 2015, 14:14 nobody_xxx [quote name='tetron' post='3977899' date='May 10 2... May 10 2015, 14:24 tetron [quote name='nobody_xxx' post='3977907' date='May ... May 10 2015, 14:38 nobody_xxx [quote name='tetron' post='3977930' date='May 10 2... May 10 2015, 14:40 Scremaz [quote name='nobody_xxx' post='3977907' date='May ... May 10 2015, 15:05 n125 How many lucky snowflakes does one have to cram up... May 9 2015, 10:09 nobody_xxx [quote name='n125' post='3975947' date='May 9 2015... May 9 2015, 10:12 tetron [quote name='n125' post='3975947' date='May 9 2015... May 9 2015, 10:47 n125 Legendary Jade Cotton Pants of the Demon-fiend. May 10 2015, 09:31
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